Yeti — The Return of the Headhunters

It had been two years since Sean and I had set out to find Tahi, the underwater hell beast that had been terrorizing the Lake Tahoe community. Although we never found anything out there on the seemingly calm waters, we were determined to never give up.

I made a promise to myself that day that no matter where I was or what I was doing, I would never give up the fight against what some may call mythical creatures. I know that these creatures of Satan are real and I believe that many of the children that you see on milk cartons are victims of these agents of evil.

It was Thursday night when I saw the email from a stranger in distress:

I picked up the phone immediately and booked two tickets to Nashville. Sean and I were back in business. We flew first class since she was paying. We ordered two vodka drinks each to start out and began discussing our plan of attack.

"I say we buy a lot guns when we get down there. You know they sell guns to anyone in Tennessee. I think you can even buy them at a drive-thru," Sean said as he motioned the flight attendant for more booze.

"Good thinking. I think we’re going to need a lot of heavy artillery to bring this dirty son of bitch down. We should probably lay out a few mines. Can you order me another drink? We should also get a couple cartons of cigarettes. We already know this savage is a nicotine freak. This could be our best lead."

"Hey, she’s paying for these first class tickets, right?"


"Fucking A."




Peggy picked us up at the airport and goddamn she was hot. I noticed right away that she wasn’t wearing a wedding band. This trip was getting better all the time.

"I can’t believe I had a bigfoot in my backyard. It’s kind of exciting," she said.

"Yeti is what they preferred to be called," I corrected her.

"Oh, of course, well you are the experts."

"That’s right lady. This isn’t our first rodeo. I can’t begin to tell you about the horrors that Shane and I have encountered. It’s enough to make your shit turn green," Sean warned her.

"Sean, please, she’s scared enough as it is."

"Oh no, it’s quite alright. I have to prepare myself for the worst."

"Can you drive us to your house first? Sean and I need to case the place out, see what we are dealing with and how we will approach the termination."

We began the drive to Peggy’s home but not without a stop to the liquor store. We picked up two cases of Heineken, a bottle of Kettle One and a pack of Marlboro lights.

Peggy’s home was nice. Apparently she was working as a manager of the local grocery store and wasn’t doing too bad. She had cable TV and a couch so as far as I was concerned she had it all.

Sean and I walked into her backyard and had a look around. My eyes were immediately drawn to the famous picnic table that Peggy had told me so much about in her correspondence to me.

"There, that’s where he put the cigarette out," Peggy pointed out to me.

I inspected a clear-cut burn mark into the red paint of the table. It was enough to make me want to kill every rat, cat and hairy beast that plagues our planet. This time it was personal.

"Fucking slob," Sean commented as he put out his smoke in the ashtray.

Peggy smiled at us, "I feel a lot better that you two are here. Listen, I’ve invited my friend Gloria over and we are going to make you two dinner. Now grab a beer and watch some football on my DirecTV."

It was a goddamn utopia. I thought Tennessee was for backward ass country fucks and trash can lifestyles but Peggy was the mofo bomb. Just then Gloria came through the door and she was a knockout as well. We were living the life that all creature hunters dream about.

"Sean, you take Gloria and I’ll take Peggy."

"Why do I get Gloria?"

"Listen, I’m doing you a favor. At least Gloria is going to leave in the morning. If things get weird with me and Peggy, I’m fucked, so cool out."

"Good point."

"They’re both hot so we can’t lose."

"Another good point."

We sat down to a great steak dinner. Peggy and Gloria listened intently to our stories of adventure; our near miss at Lake Tahoe, the time that Sean killed a giant raccoon that was knocking over garbage cans in his neighborhood, and the time I shot seven pigeons that had found their way into a shopping mall in downtown San Diego. The girls looked at us like we were Ponce de Leon and the Sundance Kid. We were in.

I took Peggy outside and had a cigarette. "Peggy, I want you to be brave. You are going to have to be brave. Braver than you have ever been in your life. No matter what happens to me, I want you to know that I’m in love with you and hope that after this is all over we can talk about having kids and living in the suburbs of some small to midsize city that has conservative values. Someplace where Dan Quayle would feel comfortable."

Peggy fell into my arms and we passionately kissed. I brought her back inside and we found ourselves in her bedroom. I didn’t know where Sean and Gloria were and I didn’t care. What happened next was more amazing than the time I almost got a picture of a dog that walked on two feet. It was the kind of night that made me want to write Penthouse. "I don’t normally write letters like this but last night was too good to keep to myself..." I think you know the kind I’m talking about. I knew in the morning this utopian dream would come to an end and I would have to return to the task at hand. I was halfway between heaven and hell.




I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and eggs. Sean and Gloria were sitting at the table and Sean didn’t look very happy. I ate my eggs quickly and told the girls that Sean and I needed to stock up on supplies.

"What’s going on? What happened to you last night?" I asked Sean.

"Everything went great. I mean we had animal sex and then we fell asleep."

"So what’s the problem?"

"Well, I gave her the dutch oven treatment this morning and she didn’t think it was very funny. I guess I can’t blame her because it was really stinky. Like a baby’s diapers."

"Holy fuck dude! That’s a bold move. I wouldn’t worry about it. She won’t be there when we get back."

"Yeah, I guess you’re right."

We pulled into a gun store and walked up to the counter.

"How you doing today?" I said to the sales clerk.

"I’m fine. How can I help you gentleman?"

"We’re need to stock up on some heavy artillery."

"Sure no problem. Getting ready for duck season, are ya?"

"Kind of. Do you have an elephant shotgun?"

"Yeah but that’s a little much for the ducks, don’t ya think?"

"I’ll be the judge of that. We need two of those, two dozen land mines and do you sell cigarette cartons here?" Sean asked.

"We can get the smokes someplace else," I said.

The clerk turned to us, "You boys know you have to wait a two week clearance period before I can give these things to you, right?"

"I think my friend, George Washington will vouch for us," Sean said as he produced a crisp brand new one dollar bill from his pocket.

"Don’t tell anyone what I did for ya," the clerk said as he snatched up the single.

We stopped off for smokes and headed back to Peggy’s place. We got to work immediately.

I grabbed the land mines and Sean grabbed the smokes. We walked into the woods behind Peggy’s house and laid out mines all over the place. On each land mine we placed a pack of Marlboro Reds and a pack of matches. If this didn’t blow this rat freak back to hell, then nothing would.

I had also purchased a secret weapon at the gun shop that would only be used as a last resort. I feared the power that this secret weapon possessed but knew that if the time came, I would have to have the nuts to use it.

The sun was about to go down so Sean and I hurried back to Peggy’s backyard. We prepared our elephant shot guns and had a couple of beers while we waited for it to get dark.

Yeti never come out during the day. They are usually sleeping during the day or thinking about killing people. It’s only at night that you will encounter the two-legged hell hound.

"What’s the plan again?" Sean asked.

"Well, we each take two packs of smokes and go into the woods. You know where we put the mines, so make sure you don’t step on any. We will chain smoke at all times so that the Yeti will get a nic fit and have to find cigarettes. When he finds the smokes that he craves, he will get blown halfway up to Mars."

"I’ve got my camera. When this fucker is dead, we have to get picture next to the dead body. This is going to make us famous," Sean was clearly excited and I have to admit I was too.

I turned around to find Peggy looking nervously out the window. I waved to her and she forced a smile. Sean waved to her but she didn’t wave back. Gloria must have told her about the dutch oven treatment.

"Sean, when we are out there things could get crazy. I’m not going to lie to you. I’m scared. We don’t know what we are up against. I’ve taken a precaution for our safety. I’ve got a secret weapon that just may save our life. If I yell out the code word then run as fast as you can to Peggy’s backyard."

"What’s the code word?"

"Uh, I don’t know, what should we use?"

"What about ‘Van Halen’?"

"I don’t know, I might not hear that."

"How about ‘Skipjack’?"

"I don’t like that one either."

"We’ll fuck you, you think of something asshole."

"Sorry man. Ok, let just use ‘John Entwhisle’ like we always do."

"Alright, that works."

"Cool, let’s find this fucking thing and wipe it off the face of God’s good earth."

"Right on."

I waved again to Peggy and started for the woods. Sean and I had taped high-powered flashlights to our guns. We were careful where we stepped and both lit up our smokes.

I couldn’t see a goddamn thing and I was on edge like a black man at a Republican cookout at a Country Club. Every sound in the woods seemed like the Yeti could have made it. For thirty minutes we smoked and walked around in the woods, not finding anything. It was the kind of hell you experience on a fishing trip when they just aren’t biting. At least we were smoking. I looked over at Sean and he pulled a Heineken out of his pack back.

"Shit man, I didn’t know you brought those."

"Who the fuck goes hunting without beers."

"Good point, can I have one?"


We sat down on a stoop and cracked open a few, always keeping a cigarette lit. We talked about the Knicks for a while and then about how bad Boston College’s football team was.

Then I heard it. Sean and I grabbed our guns and flashed light in all directions. It was the sound of something large moving in the trees.

"Come out and face us. We come in peace," I said.

The noise died down and Sean and I looked at each other. Then it came again. This time it seemed like it was coming right at us. It was like Satan himself jetting out of the bowels of hell to take us apart limb by limb. I felt cold entering me through each breath I took. Then something brushed against my shoulder.

"John Entwhistle! John Entwhisle!" I screamed.

We tore out of there faster than you can say ‘Francis Farmer Fucks Fences.’ I jumped over land mines and focused on getting back to Peggy’s backyard. I remembered the secret weapon and dug into my pocket. It was a remote control that had the ability to trigger every landmine that we set out.

"Sean dive under the picnic table when you get back there!"

I turned over my shoulder to see if I could spot the Yeti. At this point I know I saw something but what exactly it was I can’t say. It definitely looked like a Yeti but it was weird. It seemed to be a beast with hair all over it’s body but it was wearing only a Nirvana concert t-shirt. I mean that’s the only thing that it had on. No pants or shorts down low. He was just a mess of hair and this concert shirt. I wished I had time to take a picture but I was only thinking about my life right now.

Finally the backyard was in sight and Sean was already under the table. I dove in, pulled out the detonator and hit the red button. What happened next was the single most frightening experience I have ever witnessed.

The entire forest was blown out of the fucking ground and thrown all over the place. Fire, smoke and dead animals were everywhere. Squirrels were being thrown from the trees through the windows of neighboring houses. I saw some kind of bird go flying through Peggy’s sliding glass door. A tree landed on her neighbor’s camero. The whole neighborhood woke up screaming. One woman thought it was the beginning of a nuclear war and ran out of her home naked. Some crazy ass freak in his tighty whities ran out of his house with a baseball bat, knocked over Peggy’s mailbox and ran back into his house.

Sean looked over at me, "We gotta get the fuck outta here."

"I’m with you man."

We ran inside Peggy’s house and grabbed her car keys. All I remember is looking back at her as she was screaming at us and throwing plates and glasses at our heads. It was too bad because I meant some of those things that I had said to her earlier. But now that future was as blown out as her backyard.

I jumped into the passenger seat and Sean floored it out of her driveway. People were pounding on the side of the car and threw objects at us as we gained speed. One kid threw a Tonka truck that crashed into the windshield but Sean never took his foot off the pedal. I turned around and watched as the neighborhood went up in flames.

I couldn’t help but wonder if we blew Yeti back to hell. To this day, I wished I could have stuck around to rummage through the remains of the forest. Maybe we killed him. Maybe the firefighter that found the body thought it was a dog or a couple of cats.

Sean drove straight to the airport. We flew standby and got first class seats again courtesy of Peggy’s credit card.

Again we had come close to killing off another creature of terror and again I swore to myself that I would not rest until I was sure it was dead. I will never rest.

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