I saw the legendary Daniel Rockett play a searing acoustic set on Tuesday night [in Los Angeles]. It was my first time seeing the man, who has been lifted to the status of idol by Young John G.

Seated under a single spotlight at a cozy Pico Blvd. nightspot called the Mint, Mr. Rockett tore through a 40 minute set of ballads and hard rockers in front of a crowd of about...oh...15.

© Rockett Band 1998

The small size of the pseudo-throng was made up for by its sheer exuberance (or perhaps by Jagermeister). In attendance was epic film director Michael Brand, sporting a Pakistani print shirt and a rock & roll sneer. Also present was Larry Milburn, there to see the next act.

Mr. Rockett ripped through several new songs, at one point noting, "This song I just finished a couple of weeks ago, so if I make

shit up later, please bear with me." Mr. Rockett's foot-stomping, hard-strumming style was most noticeable during his two-song segue to close the show (something? -> "The Prophet"). The rising star was working his woodsy axe with such fury that it seemed as if he would literally cave the thing in and eat it for a light snizz-ack. The punchline of the final number(s) came as Rockett powerfully belted out the chorus to "Strawberry Fields" and brought his short, but spirited set to a close.

My pants. My pants for your country.


Go to the Rockett Band Website for more information, audio clips and other stuff.

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