the plot thickens...


March 5, 1996



Luis Kuo
368 Georgewood Lane
Palo Alto, CA 94306

Re: 1025 Hyde Street, Apartment 4

Dear Mr. Kuo:

This letter serves to reiterate some of the issues discussed in my letter of February 29, 1996. I am sending this letter via certified mail.

In my previous letter I stated the following, and wish to restate these points again so that there can be no confusion:

  1. The letter served as formal notice that Chris Dorment and I are ending our tenancy at 1025 Hyde Street, Apartment 4, effective with the expiration of our lease (April 6, 1996); and
  2. Due to a) your lack of action regarding the rapidly deteriorating condition of the entire apartment (well beyond normal "wear and tear"), particularly the crumbling ceiling of our bathroom, and b) the possible implications of the recent legal action against you in Santa Clara county, we have withheld payment of rent for the months of January and February. We do this because you are unreachable by telephone, we have no faith in ever receiving our security deposit from you, and because you have taken no measures to repair our decaying apartment.

We will be vacating the premises prior to April 6, 1996. Because we are unable to contact you, and you do not respond to letters anymore, we will leave the keys to Apartment 4 with Doug Hildebrand and Diane Pett in Apartment 2.

This will hopefully be our last communication with you. I am sorry that relations between us have deteriorated so much, but you have taken no actions to fulfill your basic responsibilites.

Very truly yours,

Charles Coy


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