When I opened the door, I discovered a crime of indecent and deviant behavior. The stall was finger painted with shit. It was everywhere, on the walls, on the toilet seat, and on the floor. It was as though he was using the stall as his canvase and his ass as the palette.

On the back of the door there was a picture taped up of a nude young girl with her legs spread. That had shit all over it too.

I immediately walked out after the inspection and alerted anyone who was also skipping class to the horrors that had been committed.

It didn't take long for the news to start buzzing around. And at this point we still didn't know who did it. The rumors were flying.

Some proprosed the idea that this person had created his art with someone else's feces...and perhaps that person had witnessed the act. Others believed that it wasn't anyone on our hall and possibily a visitor. I had no idea who it was and I wasn't about to get into a full fledged investigation.

For me the matter was closed. Someone had desecrated my favorite stall and now I would have to find another to suit me.

Two weeks had passed and the matter of the crap-fingered painter had died down. It became a big joke for a while. People saying stupid comments like, "Well, at least I don't finger paint with shit," or "I'm not the one with my fingers in my feces." Stuff that really wasn't all that funny.