It wasn't over and I again I stumbled upon the new horrors that were unleashed from his unholy bung hole. It was his worst crime to date.

I walked into the bathroom with my towel and shower kit. When I turned the corner into the shower area I found a bunched up pair of tighty whities. They were huge...and they smelled...they smelled really, really bad. I looked a little closer and saw that they were filled with shit.

I started to walk out and I noticed something in the showers. Crap painted all over the walls and a big pile of shit sitting in the middle of the shower room floor.

I ran out of the bathroom and screamed, "Who the fuck has the shitting problem around here?"

"Ben Valishka," I heard someone say.
I turned around and it was Jim, who also lived on the same floor.
"Ben Valishka's got the shitting problem," Jim said.
"Are you fucking kidding me? Ben Valishka, the guy on the football team?"
"That guy's a fucking monster. He's huge."
"Yeah, well did you see the size of those shits?"
"I guess your right. How did they find out it was him?"
"Last night, around four, Ari walked into the bathroom and smelled the shit. He walked over to the shower area and Ben was passed out with shit all over his hands and his ass."
"Are you kidding me? Did Ari take a picture?"
"No, but he should have. So then, Ari tells Scott Dunbar and the cops come with an ambulance and they took him away. I guess he was really drunk."
"Wow, that guy needs help."
"I'm going to shower in the other bathroom."
"I think that's a good idea."