the initial contact


 February 29, 1996



Louis Kuo
368 Georgewood Lane
Palo Alto, CA 94306

Re: 1025 Hyde Street, Apartment 4

Dear Mr. Kuo:

I am writing this letter out of a sense of utter frustration with your lack of response to our telephone calls. Chris Dorment and I have been calling almost daily, and at all hours of the day and night, for the last two weeks. Although we have been unable to contact you, we have been leaving messages with anyone who answers your phone, explaining our situation. We have asked politely for you to call us at your convenience either at my workplace or at our home phone. You have not responded to any of these calls.

In the event that you have not received any of our messages or Chris Dorment's letter of January 22, 1996, I will inform you of our current problems. As you witnessed personally during your visit to Apartment 4 on January 15, 1996, the ceiling above the shower has partially collapsed, and continues to leak and collapse further daily. I showed you the condition of the ceiling and the bathtub below it. Plaster, wood, and other materials have been falling bit by bit since the large collapse that occurred the evening of January 13, 1996. A leak that originally caused the problem continues to further weaken the ceiling.

The preceding explains the current status of the bathroom. It has worsened since you visited, and, no doubt the condition will continue to deteriorate until you take some action to repair it.

I would like to stress that the ceiling predicament is not simply an eyesore, but has been presenting more serious problems for over two weeks. Chris and I do not consider it safe to shower under a ceiling that is actively dropping chunks of plaster and wood. Nor do we consider it reassuring to think that the ever worsening state of the plumbing and plaster could cause a further, and perhaps more dangerous break. I can assure you, however, that if anyone is injured due to your lack of response to this pressing problem, we will hold you legally responsible in any and all ways possible.

You have been alerted to the condition of the bathroom since January 14, 1996, one day after the initial collapse. You claimed that you would send someone to make the necessary repairs, but, as usual, no one ever appeared.

I would also like to address two other concerns, and put these on paper so that there can be no misunderstanding. First, a sign has been posted on the front door by the Fire Marshall informing the tenants that the fire alarm system in the entire building is not functioning. This sign has been there for several months. The control panel in the building lobby has been hanging open for months. These are less-than-vague indications that repairs should be made immediately. Please address this problem at once.

Second, and less cataclysmic, but equally annoying, is the fact that the front door "buzzer" for Apartment 4 has been broken for over four months. Once again, we have repeatedly called your home and written letters regarding this doorbell. We are sick and tired of asking our visitors to yell from the street or call from a pay phone to announce their presence. Please fix this right away.

We are all aware that you are experiencing other problems that may be of a more pressing nature to you. However, those problems should not blind you to the needs of your tenants. You cannot expect us to be concerned with rent issues when you continue to deny us basic repairs and services such as our doorbell. It is absurd that relations between landlord and tenant have disintegrated to this extent, but our lease still demands that you address the basic problems laid out in this letter.

For your information, we have begun documenting our communications with you, and will be forced to consult with the San Francisco County Rent Board and other authorities if you do not respond. We do not wish to worsen the situation by involving outside parties, so please address our concerns. Our phone numbers are listed below.

Very truly yours,



Charles Coy


cc: Wayne Coy, Jr., Esq.

 the plot thickens >>