He was a monster. A giant compared to most of us. I guess that's why they put him on the football team.

Sometimes when he walked down the dormitory hall, I wouldn't even look at him. It wasn't that he was violent or that I was afraid he would smash my head into the wall, it was just the fact that he was the Mad Crapper.

The whole floor was disgusted with him. His work was notorious and it was vile. His face seemed somewhat distorted and he appeared to be grinning about the evil that was floating in his head or about to come out of his ass.

It all started, when I went into the bathroom to take a crap. To understand his crimes you need to understand the scene of the crimes. There were about six standing urinals (the kind that streched down to the floor) and six more toilets that were in stalls. We also had military style showers where eight people showered in one large room with no privacy.

So anyway, I walked into the bathroom and headed over to my favorite stall. As I got closer to the door, I noticed a foul stench and decided I better make this a fast drop.